- What’s On the Menu at the Super Juice Cafe?: Four of our favourite DIY recipes

This isn’t your average corner coffee shop, where the wackiest thing on the menu is an oat milk latte. This is the Super Juice cafe, where the DIY drinks are served bubbly, rainbow-coloured and powered up with fruits, veggies and the occasional dirty sock. (Trust us – it adds flavor)
Find a few of our favourite crafty “recipes” below – along with the customers’ veeeeery strange reactions.

4: Picasso & Plum
Start with a base of purple plum juice + add some bubbles + a hint of green apple = an expressionist’s delight!

3: (Spinach Juice) Gives You Wings
Begin with your basic green drink + add in some rainbow colouring + electrify it with some lightning power = get ready to fly through your day!

2: Ch-ch-ch-chilled OJ
Start with a glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice + give it a blast of cold air until frozen + serve it up in a yeti glass + carbonate = ultimate brain freeze.

1: Heli-yum Strawberry Float
Serve up a strawberry juice + throw a water balloon into the juicer (as you do) + give it a squirt of yellow = don’t let go of that string!