
Meet Rosie the Hamster

Rosie’s a happy-go-lucky purple hamster who loves to build! When not digging dirt and using her trusty hammer, Rosie loves to sharpen her teeth by chewing on anything she can find. (Jack would rather she kept her teeth to herself while in his workshop!) When not drawing up plans for her next construction project, Rosie likes to picnic with her Sago Mini pals and visit her family in South America. She’s also crazy for the colour purple, if you couldn’t tell!

More crunchy lettuce, please.

Species: Hamster, although rumour has it that her great-great-grandfather was a capybara …

Favourite food: Crunchy veggies

Likes: Operating heavy machinery

Dislikes: Being dizzy

Hobbies: Chewing, disco music

Secret talent: Speaking spanish

Going where no purple hamster has gone before!

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