Earth Day Activity Pack
Make your own binoculars and head outside for a scavenger hunt!

Materials: Markers or crayons, scissors, tape, two toilet paper tubes, hole punch, string
Pages: 4
Celebrate Earth Day with Sago Mini Friends and turn your next nature walk into a scavenger hunt! Make your own binoculars from recycled materials and head outside to start exploring. It’s a perfect activity to foster an early appreciation for nature!
- Use two toilet paper rolls to make some pretend binoculars. Get creative with decorations and don't forget to add a string so your little one can wear them around their neck!
- Print off the checklist, do some coloring, then go outside to see how many critters and items you can spot. Don’t forget those spiffy new binoculars!
Celebrate Earth Day with an extra-special episode of
on Apple TV+! See how Harvey transforms recycled materials into something new and exciting to share with his friends.Looking for more printables?
From paper toys to educational activity packs, our free printables for preschoolers deliver hours of hands-on playtime every week. Sign up for emails below to get a new printable in your inbox every Friday, or browse our website to find printables for
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