- How to have the ultimate snow day
When the snow’s piling up, the school busses parked and the kids stuck at home, it can go from cozy winter scene to chaotic-with-a-side-of-cabin-fever before you can say Rudolph. We’ve put our toques together to come up with five ways to ensure a fun snow day (with your sanity intact).
5. Beat the chills with crafts
Before you say anything, don’t worry – we’re not suggesting you make a midday run to Michael’s. Our favourite crafts are the kind you don’t need to leave the house for. We’ve got tons of ideas
. And . Oh, and .4. Set up a neighbourhood snow-date
When you’d rather toboggan to work than get behind the wheel of your car, think local for a fun snow day diversion! Get the kids & ‘rents on your block together for some hill sliding, movie watching and hot chocolate drinking (spiked for the grown ups).
3. Keep their minds engaged
Just because it’s a day off school doesn’t mean the learning needs to stop! Ignore any groans from the kiddos – learning through play is the way to go here. Dig into a make-and-play activity box, stage an impromptu play or dance party, or play a rousing game of charades or Simon Says.
2. Head off on a digital vacation with Sago Mini World
Okay, we just had to sneak this shameless plug in here. But, in our humble (and definitely not biased) opinion, there’s nothing like snuggling up on the couch with your littles and watching them explore and play. Might we suggest Vacation, Boats and Road Trip if you’re dreaming of warmer climes, or Snow Day if you want to get a hit of toboggan-induced adrenaline without zipping up the snowsuit?
1. Sneak in some me time
Wrangle another parent so you can slip into a warm bath for a few minutes, or make a mom-only hot chocolate. Snow days are heaps of fun & build lasting memories, but cooped up kids do not always a happy parent make. Treat. Your. Self.