
Weather Chart

Decide what to wear based on the weather conditions!
Weather Chart – Sago Mini Printables

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Materials: Markers or crayons, scissors, glue
Pages: 4

Make a DIY weather chart that helps your little one decide how to dress based on the weather conditions. With an adjustable temperature slider and cards for weather and clothing choices, it's a printable that comes in handy throughout the year – rain or shine!

  • Print out the weather chart and cards and color it in. Cut out the temperature slider, pockets, and cards along the dotted lines.
  • Glue the pockets onto the chart to hold the cards, and assemble the temperature slider so it moves up and down the thermometer.
  • Use the chart, thermometer, and cards to record the weather. Then use the item cards to choose what you'll need to wear or bring along!
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