
Play For Days: 3 fun craft activities to extend the life of your Sago Mini toys

You know the drill: it’s their favourite toy – of ALL TIME – until, all of a sudden, it’s not, relegated to the Siberia at the back of their closet. But with living spaces getting smaller, budgets getting tighter and our earth’s resources getting more finite, a toy’s replay value has become more important than ever.

One of our favourite ways to add value to toys is to get crafty – instead of purchasing add-ons or additional parts, repurposing materials like toilet paper rolls, old flyers and tissue paper boxes combines a fun craft activity for preschoolers with a thrifty way to breathe life into older toys. Read on for a few ways you can add value with household objects to some Sago Mini classics – some of which you may already own!

3. Crafty Cardboard Renovations for the Portable Playsets

Looking to spruce up Jinja’s House? With some creativity and extra cardboard (save those Amazon boxes!), you can give Jinja that detached garage without taking out a second mortgage. The only limits here are your imagination – have fun brainstorming “renovation” ideas with your kids, then get to cutting, painting and taping! We’d be really into a drive-through terminal for Jack’s Diner or a neighbouring space station for Harvey’s Spaceship.

2. Ready, Set, Go with Toilet Roll Traffic Lights

Creative play been running on fumes lately? Give some gas to the Vehicle Playsets by building a simple traffic light out of a toilet or paper towel roll. Just cut out a few cardboard circles, paint them red, yellow and green and stick them on. (Want to get really fancy? Using stick-on velcro will allow you to “change” the lights!) Kids will get a kick out of seeing their Sago Mini pals navigate a traffic jam – and it’s a great way to practice the rules of the road while you’re at it.

1. Recycling Bin Props for your Pillow Playsets

Give a kid a pair of safety scissors and a stack of old flyers and magazines and they’ll be content for hours – so why not put that creative energy to good use and make a few new props for your Pillow Playsets? The sewn-on pockets are perfect not only for the included plush props but your homemade ones too! Just cut out images from flyers and magazines, glue them onto cardboard and cut them out. (For extra longevity, try sealing them with a thin coat of Modge Podge). Try cutting up a grocery store flyer to stock up Jinja’s Kitchen, or an old magazine for some fun new decorations for Robin’s Dollhouse.

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