
Space Explorer - Letter to parents

Travel to the stars

Dear parent,

Sago Mini Space Explorer is an open-ended play experience where kids guide Harvey the dog through outer space. We start at Harvey’s doghouse. Tap the door to invite Harvey out to play. Then lead Harvey through space with your finger. As you explore you’ll uncover dozens of fun little animations.

Like Forest Flyer and Ocean Swimmer, the app puts kids in the control. You can move through it at your own pace and make up their own stories as you go. The app includes a big cast of characters from baby moon moles to sneezy space monsters. The characters and situations hint at their own little stories. But at the same time they leave enough space for kids to invest their own imagination.

How to play

Space Explorer begins outside of Harvey’s outer space home. Tap to invite Harvey out to play. Tap Harvey and move your finger across the screen to guide him through space. Little yellow markers appear, indicating a surprise to explore. Lift your finger near one of these spots to trigger an animation. There are more than 30 to find. You can also tap anywhere on the screen and Harvey will fly directly there.

To talk about

When exploring Space Explorer with your little one, ask a few questions and invent some playful answers. Who lives in that crater? How is Harvey feeling? Who are the other creatures that Harvey meets along the way? Get out a big roll of paper and draw a rocket ship or the inside of Harvey’s house.

Luke Lutman, Developer

The Team
Lisa Armstrong, Designer
Luke Lutman, Developer
Aaron Leighton, Artist
Elaine Hsu, Artist
Vanessa Logan, Technical Artist
Peter Hamilton, Developer
Karen Armstrong, Animator
Brian McBrearty, Sound Design

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